Education and Training
Students learn concepts and skills more quickly when they receive one-on-one instruction. Stottler Henke develops intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) that provide the benefits of one-on-one training — automatically and cost-effectively. These systems encode the subject matter and teaching expertise of experienced instructors, using artificial intelligence (AI) software technologies and cognitive psychology models. We have developed numerous systems that provide practice-based learning for K-12 education, corporate training and professional development, and military training. (Customer testimonials).
For additional information, read Intelligent Tutoring Systems: The What and the How, Intelligent Tutoring Systems Technologies for Military Training or the Powerpoint presentation: Intelligent Training Systems.
To learn more about how intelligent training technology can improve the performance of your organization, call us at (650) 931-2700. Or send email to
Success Stories
Advanced Reconfigurable-Naval Surface Fire Support Trainer (AR-NSFST) This ITS, for certifying/recertifying US Navy gun crews, uses intelligent agents (IAs) to play certain team roles during training scenarios, making it possible to train a team with only the key members being present. |
ITADS: Intelligent Tutoring and Delivery System This ITS provides US Navy information technology (IT) technicians hands-on practice with the types of IT issues and trouble tickets that arise in the Fleet, in order to augment schoolhouse training. |
Serious Games for Team Training and Knowledge Retention for Long-Duration Space Missions This ITS, for astronaut team training, improves retained knowledge for long-duration space missions. |
InGEAR: Intelligent Game-based Evaluation and Review InGEAR is an intelligent tutoring extension to the Follow Me training game, used at the U.S. Military Academy. |
AAIRS: After Action Review for Combined Arms Training Developed for the U.S. Marine Corps, this system assesses the performance and decision-making of combined arms teams during simulated mission execution, and helps assemble after-action debriefings. |
SimBionic: Rapid Development of Intelligent Simulation Behaviors This intelligent agent toolkit enables software developers to incorporate intelligent behaviors within military training simulations, computer games, and other interactive simulations quickly and easily, using a graphical authoring tool. |
TAO ITS Evaluates the Tactical Performance of Naval Officers This tutor evaluates and coaches tactical action officers as they use sensors, weapons, and speech-based communications within a free-play naval tactical simulation. The graphical authoring tool lets instructors create new scenarios and define student performance assessment algorithms and simulated behaviors of friendly and enemy forces without programming. |
SimCore SimCore™ (Simulate, Coach, Review) is an innovative tool for rapidly creating and deploying intelligent simulations to support distance learning in the area of healthcare. |
Embedded ITS for Unmanned Vehicle Control This ITS trains tactical decision-making skills for command and control of distributed networks of unmanned vehicles and sensors, by evaluating student performance in simulations, delivering immediate feedback, and automatically generating after action reviews. |
Task Tutor Toolkit (T3) for Technical Training This modular intelligent tutoring shell and authoring tool lowers the cost of creating scenario-based tutoring systems that teach technical skills such as using hardware and software systems and following procedures and guidelines. |
ComMentor: Socratic Tutoring for High-Level Command Skills ComMentor emulates expert Army instructors by evaluating students’ solutions to tactical scenarios and then engaging students in a Socratic tutoring dialog to enhance their command reasoning skills. |
Counter-Intelligence Information Analysis This constructivist learning environment lets students practice analyzing raw intelligence information about terrorist organizations and installation threat assessments. |
FBCB2 Usage, Tactical Planning and Execution This simulation-based tutoring system teaches tactical decision-making and the usage of the Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2) digital C4I system. |
Helicopter Cockpit Operations (OMIA) This scenario-based training simulation lets helicopter crew members practice the use of a new instrumentation in simulated missions such as anti-submarine warfare and search and rescue. |
ITS for the Battle Command Tactical Decision Game This tutoring system critiques the student’s tactical plans and evaluates their execution when using the Battle Command tactical decision game, to generate automated after action review (AAR). |
ReadInsight: An ITS for Adult Literacy This computer-based tutor teaches reading comprehension skills to adults by assessing and diagnosing their specific reading skill deficiencies and tailoring instruction accordingly. Its authoring tool enables course designers to rapidly customize course content to suit the interests of the target audience. |
Analyzing Undersea Acoustic Data The Acoustic Analysis ITS (AAITS) lets Navy sonar technicians practice the analysis of undersea acoustic datasets to detect and classify submarines. The authoring tool lets experts create scenarios intuitively, by annotating datasets using a graphical user interface. |
Adaptive Instruction for Helicopter Pilots AIS-IFT is an adaptive intelligent tutoring system that coaches student helicopter pilots during simulation-based training exercises. |
SimVentive: Rapid Development of Training Games This toolkit enables designers of instructional (“serious”) games to create multimedia training simulations and to define the behavior of characters and objects that populate those simulations, all without programming. |
MPICE Training – Managing Progress in Conflict Environments This system teaches facts, concepts, strategies, and analytical skills needed to use the MPICE framework, a catalog of about 800 metrics for assessing the progress and success of stabilization and reconstruction missions. |
Multimedia Patient Simulator and Intelligent Tutor
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