Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Traditional computer-based training (CBT) systems test factual recall and narrow skills by prompting students to answer simple multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank questions. By contrast, Stottler Henke scenario-based training systems let students assess situations, generate solutions, make decisions, and carry out actions in realistically complex situations. By embedding or interfacing with training simulators, Stottler Henke’s intelligent tutoring systems:

  • monitor each student’s actions performed within the simulator,
  • evaluate these actions to assess the student’s knowledge and skills, and
  • apply these assessments to generate highly-specific, individualized instruction.

By enabling students to apply their knowledge and skills in a wide range of typical and exceptional situations, ITSs help students quickly acquire expertise that would ordinarily require years of experience. Stottler Henke delivers ITS solutions that include:

  • intelligent tutors that emulate expert instructors,
  • authoring tools that streamline the development of tutoring systems, and
  • integrated training systems that augment simulations or problem-solving environments with automated instructional capabilities.

For additional information, read Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Using AI to Improve Training Performance and ROI and Intelligent Tutoring Systems Technologies for Military Training.