Intelligent Resource Scheduling as a Service (SchAAS): Aurora-SchAAS

Aurora-SchAAS brings Aurora’s underlying general purpose optimizing resource constrained scheduling engine to 3rd parties and other solution providers via the cloud. Stottler Henke has been solving NP-Complete resource allocation problems involving the satisfaction of a large number of complex constraints for over 25 years. Aurora’s scheduling engine is independent from the Aurora user interface, making Aurora’s interface highly customizable to various problems in widely different domains. Therefore, the benefits of the Aurora scheduling engine can be used independently of the front end if this would be beneficial to an end-user client, or Aurora can be integrated with other cloud/SaaS Project Management (PM) solutions.
Many cloud/SaaS project management tool solutions provide visual resource leveling, which aids the human scheduler in determining how to level the resources by hand. Aurora-SchAAS enables this critical and time-consuming operation to be automated. In addition, Aurora-SchAAS includes a complex constraint, rule, and feature set so that domain-specific scheduling can be quickly modeled and solved optimally. Furthermore, even providers that currently offer resource leveling may wish to upgrade to Aurora’s superior intelligent scheduling to provide their clients with superior scheduling results. Aurora-SchAAS frees cloud/SaaS project management tool solution providers to concentrate on their core competency in their solutions while delivering the world’s most efficient scheduling solution transparently to their user base.