The MARS system is a globally-distributed, real-time system designed to create, view, edit, coordinate, and execute worldwide satellite communication schedules. The MARS system is used to ingest orbital information as well as requests from users, provide human schedulers with a highly flexible interface to optimize the schedule, and distribute the information to users and the automated antenna. In addition, MARS is built on a scheduling engine which automatically deconflicts the schedule reducing a human operator’s cognitive load by over 90%.
SSN Scheduling
Scheduling algorithm that takes as input the space catalog and the associated covariance matrices and produces a globally optimized schedule for each sensor site as to what objects to observe and when. Is able to schedule more observations with the same sensor resources and have those observations be more complementary.
OPIR Scheduling
Building on the prior version of Aurora-based JOPC Automatic OPIR Scheduler’s prototype, we developed a full-scale, operational system, integrating it with the operational environment, and conducting tests and trials with JOPC Schedulers and real operational data.
MIDAS (Managed Intelligent Deconfliction and Scheduling) for the Air Force Satellite Control Network
Provides a user-friendly interface modeled on legacy Electronic Schedule Dissemination (ESD) systems. It runs on inexpensive consumer hardware and communicates with legacy systems via a well-defined plain-text file format.
Missile Defense Scheduling / MDSched
This effort creates a single system that simultaneously optimized the tasking of sensors and interceptors for a better solution than would be reached by optimizing them separately, in order to improve the ballistic missile defense system’s sensor and interceptor real-time scheduling capability.