Aurora Introductory Videos

Aurora Introductory Videos   The videos below provide an introduction to the Aurora Project Management and Advanced Scheduling software.   Video Formats We recommend trying the HTML5 versions of the videos first as they play in most browsers. AVI File...

NASA Showcase Video

NASA Showcase Video Media Contact: Jim Ong650.931.2710 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NASA SHOWCASES STOTTLER HENKE ASSOCIATES’ INTELLIGENTPLANNING & SCHEDULING SYSTEMS IN NEW VIDEO  “Hallmarks of Success” video describes how Stottler Henke leveragedNASA SBIR contract to...


History ~3000BC A papyrus, later bought in a Luxor antique shop by Edwin Smith in 1882, was prepared representing 48 surgical observations of head wounds. The observations were stated in symptom-diagnosis-treatment-prognosis combinations as: IF a patient has this...


Testimonials We have worked on over seven-hundred AI projects over the years and happy customers are our top priority–not just contented but more than satisfied. Here is what customers have to say about Stottler Henke’s Solutions: Computer Security AFRL has recognized...