About Us
Email: info@stottlerhenke.com
Founded in 1988, Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. applies cognitive modeling, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other advanced technologies to solve problems that defy solution using traditional approaches.

Stottler Henke develops intelligent software solutions that provide advanced capabilities for
Stottler Henke develops intelligent software solutions that provide advanced capabilities for planning and scheduling, autonomy, knowledge management and delivery, education and training, and machine learning and data analytics. For example, our MARS command and control system enables the US Space Force to schedule Satellite Control Network communications more efficiently to command, control, and maintain the health of more than 170 Earth-orbiting satellites. Our Tactical Action Officer Intelligent Tutoring System (TAO ITS) trains Navy TAO students by immersing them in simulated tactical scenarios in which they employ sensors and weapons and communicate with speech-enabled automated teammates. An automated software tutor monitors and evaluates what students say and do in order to identify knowledge and skill gaps and provide highly specific hints and instructional feedback.
Stottler Henke develops and markets products for scheduling, intelligent agents, and data visualization. The Aurora™ intelligent software system encodes and applies expert scheduling knowledge. combined with mathematical algorithms, to quickly generate superior schedules. The open source SimBionic® toolkit enables graphical specification and efficient execution of intelligent agent behaviors that sense, assess, and act in real-time. The DataMontage™ data visualization tool displays information-dense arrays of graphs and timelines to help analysts see significant data patterns spanning many variables, individuals, and subgroups.
At Stottler Henke, we take AI to be the mimicking of human thought processes to solve useful problems. We have spent decades observing and interviewing experts in many areas in order to understand and model how they assess situations, make decisions, and solve problems. Using our knowledge of diverse AI technologies, we encode this expertise in software and combine them with advanced algorithms, user interfaces, and data management to automate these cognitive processes in real-time. Our technology consulting, feasibility studies, and rapid prototypes identify and validate promising approaches. Our software development, implementation, and technology transfer services ensure the successful deployment of effective, practical, long-term solutions.
Stottler Henke has received numerous awards for its innovative AI solutions. In 2012, at a White House ceremony, Stottler Henke was one of 18 small businesses and six individuals who received the prestigious Tibbetts award for the critical role they played in research and development for the government and for their success driving innovation and creating new jobs. US Government agencies have designated eleven Stottler Henke systems as Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) success stories. Four Stottler Henke systems have been included in Spinoff, NASA’s showcase of successful spinoff technologies. Stottler Henke was featured in a NASA Hallmarks of Success video profile for its work developing and commercializing advanced scheduling and training systems. Military Simulation and Training (MS&T) magazine named Stottler Henke as one of two Small Business of the Year finalists, recognizing its AI-based software solutions for intelligent, individualized, military training. Military Training Technology (MT2) magazine named Stottler Henke a “Top 100” company making an impact on the military training industry for 13 years. MT2 also awarded Stottler Henke a Blue Ribbon, recognizing its industry-leading innovation. Stottler Henke received an Excellence in Learning award from Brandon Hall for its innovative SimBionic technology.
Media Contact
Jim Ong, Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. (650) 931-2700, ong@stottlerhenke.com