ScheduleReader™ – View Aurora Projects


ScheduleReader™ is designed to deliver the dynamic view of project information among all parties involved in the project.

As an alternative to sharing schedule data in PDF format, ScheduleReader™ modernizes scheduling efforts and improves the communication even on the most complex projects.

ScheduleReader™ is a tool that dynamically presents project data from Aurora schedules, which users can easily filter, organize and share with project stakeholders.
  • Activities – overview of the open project activities
  • WBS – Work Breakdown Structure;
  • Projects – represents the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS);
  • Resources – view the resource structure and get details;
  • Assignments – view resource cost and quantity ;
  • OBS – Organizational Breakdown Structure;
  • Roles – view the roles assigned to resources;
  • Details – view of selected items in current view;
  • Reports create graphical reports with single click;
  • Progress Updates – report Activity updates from field.

ScheduleReader™ is a tool that dynamically presents project data

Why choose ScheduleReader instead of sharing PDF files

(1) Provide an Interactive Overview of the Project Schedule – each member has a personalized view, chance to add/remove columns and see relationships inside an elaborate Gantt chart. Also there are Activities, WBS, OPS, resource assignments views, which offer full information regarding the specified topic.

(2) Use Custom and Auto filtersCreate Filters and Groups to Quickly Access Information – The project team members have flexibility when viewing their Activities and Filters, which is a basic feature needed to easily handle plans that contain hundreds of lines / activities. Users can create own Filters and Groups by applying single or multiple criteria and perfectly organize the activites with focus on the important project aspects.

(3) Propose Progress Update from Field – Users can easily propose progress update on each activity and assignment thus sending feedback to their responsible superiors in few clicks.

(4) Generate Graphical Reports and Analyze Schedule Quality – Users can create default and custom reports, measure the project progress and communicate information more effectively with all project stakeholders.