ViPER-CVW Helps Naval Air Wing Planners
Sponsored by the U.S. Navy, Stottler Henke teamed with Monterey Technologies, Inc. and Ultra Electronics, ProLogic to develop the Visualization Planning Execution and Review (ViPER) system for carrier air wings (ViPER-CVW).
Its integrated map and timeline display and planning aids enable air planners to enter, review, analyze, and visualize spatial-temporal planning data and decisions rapidly and consistently.
For example, when the user enters or changes the time and location of key events, ViPER-CVW reasons about time and location constraints to automatically (re)calculate the timings of related planned events across all aircraft.
- Plan checking rules automatically detect possible planning problems such as aircraft entering unsafe areas.
- Plan animation enables planners and commanders to visualize multi-aircraft transits and events during plan analysis and briefings.
- Automated generation of map and timeline graphics enable planners to spend less time creating briefing slides and more time developing effective plans.
ViPER-CVW has been incorporated into the Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) program of record.
Viper-CVW is operational (TRL 9) on all F/A-18 versions of the the Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS).