Domain Specific Deployments
Pharmaceutical Industry
Stottler Henke has developed Aurora-ProPlan, a customization of Aurora specifically for pharmaceutical production, project management and supply chain logistics; adding capabilities necessary to optimize these pharmaceutical operations.
Automobile Industry
Aurora-VT is a version of Aurora developed to optimize the build sequence for prototypes for both nondestructive and crash testing taking into account all the requirements of the entire testing process. Aurora-VT includes domain-specific heuristics used in the vehicle task planning and scheduling process.
Space Applications
Aurora has solved and continues to solve many of the most challenging scheduling challenges for NASA, the Air Force and others, ranging from ground operations, to satellite downlink scheduling to space station operations.
Pilot Training
Pilot training involves a variety of specialized functionality and logic. The scheduling and logic enforcement was historically a slow and painstaking process, with a significant amount of manual cross-checking.
Dental Student Scheduling
For New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry, Aurora-DentalResident, Stottler Henke’s AI-Based Intelligent Planning & Scheduling software, is being used to create dental student schedules, including planning and scheduling which students take what courses and accounting for when rotation occurs
Audit Scheduling
TenA Company, founded in 1982, is the premier mortgage quality control service in the United States, assisting thousands of mortgage lenders each year. Among their carefully vetted personnel are counted Legal & Compliance experts and a QC Solutions team.
MRO: Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul
Aurora’s intelligent scheduling and critical chain project management (CCPM) has been successfully applied to the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of commercial aircraft.
Medical School Scheduling
Aurora is used by the Massachusetts General Hospital to schedule its medical residency program. Aurora reduces the time and effort needed to generate schedules and provides better support for the hospital’s complex staffing needs.
Aurora optimizes aerospace manufacturing and operations schedules that must satisfy unique, complex scheduling and resource constraints, including when/which activities can share resources, how requirements/constraints depend on the situation, and ergonomic limitations on workers.