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Jim Ong




Artificial intelligence technology will add a new dimension of realism
to military simulations requiring strategic and tactical intelligence


SAN MATEO, CA, May 22, 2000 – Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. today announced the award of a two-year $750,000 Phase II contract with Rome Air Force Labs to develop artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to control and coordinate artificial agents within simulations.   Automated control of intelligent agents will support more cost-effective simulation-based training and analysis of activities which involve many team members or opposing forces.

The U.S. Air Force has found that realistic, tactical simulations are very effective for training and analyzing alternate military strategies, especially team-oriented activities involving many people, vehicles, or other entities.  Although the cost of developing these simulations has dropped, the cost of running these simulations can be very high because many people are needed to control large numbers of simulated entities at a tactical or detailed level.  For example, a typical training simulation of the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) can require dozens of people to control simulated jet fighters, tankers, and other entities to train just three weapons directors and a senior director.

 To lower the cost of operating these types of simulations, Stottler Henke will develop intelligent simulation agents which pursue goals assigned by their human commanders.  This approach will enable a smaller number of people to control a simulation, where each person controls many simulated agents at a strategic level rather than at a tactical level.  To support this kind of intelligent simulation, each agent will interpret information, act in a timely manner with only partial knowledge, anticipate and counter actions of opposing forces, and coordinate with people and other agents.  Stottler Henke will also develop realistic, simulated entities which can operate over the Internet, using artificial intelligence techniques such as case-based reasoning to control their behavior.

“Intelligent simulation agent technology will enable the military and industrial users to develop simulations which can be operated more cost-effectively, and will support the analysis of ‘what if’ scenarios to support strategic planning,” says Dr. Daniel Fu, principle investigator of this project at Stottler Henke.  “Intelligent simulation agent technology will also enable individuals to experience a level of realism currently available only in multi-person simulations, and will support the training of team coaches and other team leaders,” continues Dr. Fu.

Founded in 1988, Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. applies artificial intelligence and other advanced software technologies to solve problems that defy solution using traditional approaches. The company delivers intelligent software solutions for education and training, planning and scheduling, knowledge management and discovery, decision support, and software development. Stottler Henke’s clients include manufacturers, retailers, educational media companies and government agencies.   Web: