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Jim Ong



 Advanced one-on-one tutoring software to train counter-terrorist analysts will be developed for use in the classroom and across the Internet using artificial intelligence techniques

SAN MATEO, CA, Nov. 10, 1999 – Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. anticipates the award of a year-longcontract to work with the Distance Learning Office at Fort Huachuca, AZ to develop an online tutoring system for training intelligence analysts.  The system domain, called ICT (Intelligence for Combating Terrorism), will train analysts in the skills and knowledge required to analyze terrorist activities, organizations, and structures.  Ultimately, analysts will be trained to use analytical tools that will help produce a threat assessment and prescribe counter measures for an installation.

Stottler Henke will develop both an authoring tool and online tutoring system.  The authoring tool will enable a course instructor to develop internet delivered interactive multimedia courseware, such as, scenario driven illustrations, video, or training tools.  More importantly, in applying the constructivist theory of learning, the instructor will be able to emerse the student into a real-world situation, simulating the flow of information, such as receiving police and surveillance reports, for analysis.  The student, interacting with the simulation, will use four separate tools to organize the information.  These comprise time event charts, association and activity matrices, and a link diagram.  With these aids, the student will be able to produce a concise description of the current threat situation and suggest countermeasures to installations.

The tutoring system will serve two purposes for Ft. Huachuca.  First, it will decrease the significant backlog of military, civilian, and allied personnel waiting to take the in-house resident course.  Second, it will allow any enrolled student to be trained entirely on the Internet, enabling the training facility to reach a wider audience that includes, for example, law enforcement organizations and airport security.

The Air Force is expected to agree to co-fund the Counter-Terrorist Intelligent Tutoring System, as it would be the first application to make use of technology being developed by Stottler Henke under an existing Air Force contract. Dick Stottler, Stottler Henke’s Senior Partner explains, “We’ll be making use of our Internet ITS Authoring Tool to greatly cut development costs and provide significantly more adaptive training capabilities.  This project will also allow us to enhance that authoring tool further.”

Founded in 1988, Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. applies artificial intelligence and other advanced software technologies to solve problems that defy solution using traditional approaches. The company delivers intelligent software solutions for education and training, planning and scheduling, knowledge management and discovery, decision support, and software development. Stottler Henke’s clients include manufacturers, retailers, educational media companies and government agencies. Email:   Web: