Intelligent Simulation-Based Tutoring Nets Efficiencies Training Tactical Action Officers
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Additional information
Video demonstrations :
NAWCTSD Factsheet about PORTS ITS
The Navy’s description of this system
A Very Serious Training Game Yields Performance Improvement for Navy Officers, in PerformanceXpress, the newsletter of the International Society for Performance Improvement.
Press Releases
11.18.99 – U.S. Navy Extends to the High Seas the Use of Stottler Henke’s Intelligent Tutoring System for Tactics Training I/ITSEC 2000 conference paper: Tactical Action Officer Intelligent Tutoring System (TAO ITS)
I/ITSEC 2001 conference paper: Transitioning an ITS Developed for Schoolhouse Use to the Fleet: TAO ITS, a Case Study
I/ITSEC 2001 conference paper: Applying a Generic Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tool to Specific Military Domains TAO ITS, a Case Study