Boeing Uses Aurora

The Boeing Company uses Aurora to prioritize production of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner™. Aurora’s dynamic assembly schedule adapts to real-time production variations, so Boeing can produce aircraft as efficiently as possible

Major Auto Manufacturer Leverages Aurora

Major auto manufacturer uses Aurora to reduce the number of crash tests required. As crash test requirements evolve and the need for tighter safety tolerances increases, the auto manufacturer and its partners have been able to streamline crash testing procedures which have led to significant cost reductions.

Aurora Scheduling at NASA

Aurora’s success at solving many scheduling challenges for NASA has led to NASA designating Aurora a Small Business Innovation Research Success Story, NASA creating a Hallmarks of Success video, and featuring Aurora in multiple articles including in Spinoff, NASA’s premiere publication.

Training Helicopter Cockpit Operations

Our simulation software enables Navy helicopter crews to practice cockpit operations.

Mass General Uses Aurora

Aurora is used by Massachusetts General Hospital to schedule clinical rotations, on-call shifts, and clinic hours for its medical residency program. Aurora’s schedule satisfies the hospital’s staffing requirements, special requests, and clinical rotation rules that ensure that residents receive appropriate experiences.

Specializing in artificial intelligence since 1988, we deliver software systems to solve problems which defy traditional approaches.

What We Do

We specialize in artificial intelligence products and solutions for…

Our technology consulting, feasibility studies and rapid prototypes identify and validate promising approaches. Our software development, implementation, and technology transfer services ensure the successful deployment of effective, long-term solutions.

See how the Aurora scheduling system applies artificial intelligence to help leading corporations and government agencies solve their most demanding resource allocation problems.

We really appreciated the quality of technical support Stottler Henke has provided for us. They quickly grasped our planning requirements and constraints. This resulted in an excelling scheduling tool that has enhanced our capabilities.

– NASA (Mission Planning Office, Kennedy Space Center)

What’s New

September 2024
Stottler Henke’s MARS Scheduling System Enters Operational Use by the U.S. Space Force
August 2024
Our latest company highlights covered in our newsletter!
August 2024
U.S. Air Force Awards Contract to Stottler Henke to Develop AI System for Scheduling ICBM Maintenance
July 2024
Sowmya Ramachandran of Stottler Henke was a co-author on a recently published book titled “Handbook of Augmented Reality Training Design Principles.”
July 2024
Stottler Henke won SBIR Phase I Option funding for the development of Autonomous VTOL software for Intelligent and Adaptive Noncooperative landing (AVIAN).
June 2024
Stottler Henke won an SBIR Phase I award to develop the Generative Training Scenario Development toolset (GenScen).
June 2024
Stottler Henke won additional SBIR Phase II Option funding for the continued development of the LCAC Mission Planner (LMP).
May 2024
Stottler Henke won an SBIR Phase I award to develop space Resource Automatic Scheduling mission Operations Requests (RASOR).